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Behind the Scenes



Working with partners - 

Youth Inspired: a new programme looking at reinvigorating youth services in the city. PHACE enabled connections with cultural partners so the new provision would be offering young people quality opportunities on their doorstep.

Peterborough Cultural Board: PHACE represented the interests of children and young people and schools in discussions which are working towards a new Culture Strategy for the city from 2020.

Common Ground: a pilot programme looking at how young people engage with and interpret heritage. PHACE has been supporting the partners in this programme to test a Heritage Hack where young people will take over Flag Fen in the autumn.

Schools engagement strategy: PHACE worked in partnership to find the capacity to undertake a city-wide audit of schools looking to measure the level of their engagement in arts and cultural activities. This includes some face to face meetings and a survey and will result in data which will help us target out activities better in the future. The audit will be completed by summer 2019.

Culture connect: PHACE hosted a Market Place event for teachers and cultural professionals to ensure a live conversation with our stakeholders about arts and cultural opportunities in the city and about PHACE’s ambitions, Teachers had the opportunity to meet professionals and new activity will take place from those conversations benefitting young people in schools. 




A fresh approach

PHACE delivers Culture Connect 2018 at The Cresset – a market place to connect schools and arts and cultural organisations better together.

Vivacity and Festival Bridge co-invest in a Schools Partnership Manager to help PHACE check and review its understanding of what city schools need to support children and young people’s engagement in arts and culture. The result is a map of school engagement across the city and a calendar of cultural education opportunities and partners for schools until 2022.

The support for Arts Award goes from strength to strength. We double the number of young people achieving an Arts Award in 2018-19 compared to the numbers achieved in 2017-18. This is more than eight times those achieved in 2016-17.




A year of reflection

It is agreed that the outsourcing of the delivery of the Music Hub programme to PHACE did not meet it’s aims. Projects are completed and the programme delivery returned to the City Council.

The final commission of PHACE as a delivery organisation is the delivery of a Creative Zone at the Peterborough Skills Festival in partnership with the Music Hub and Creating the Future.

The team and office is closed.

Research and evidence is collected to show the impact of work so far:

  • delivered activity in 16 cultural venues, 21 schools

  • worked with 79 schools and 66 artists

  • engaged 136 teachers

  • engaged 9457 young people

  • had an audience of 91775 people




  • Testing models of delivery which promotes youth leadership

  • PHACE becomes a lead delivery partner for Peterborough Music Education Hub and employs a team to deliver this work. Delivering Peterborough Voices Big Sing; a music industry careers event; diverse ensembles with organisations like Beat This, partnerships with Orchestras Live, Britten Sinfonia, Denote, The Sixteen and Peterborough Cathedral.

  • PHACE delivers youth takeovers at Allia Future Business, BBC Radio Cambridgeshire and the Key Theatre; holiday workshops designed and led by young people in architecture, eco- fashion and photography; a Schools Arts Festival at The Cresset.

  • Arts Award is mapped into events across the city resulting in a growth of 17 newly trained Arts Award Advisors in the city.

  • There is some confusion in the city about the change in the direction of PHACE. The current steering group stops meeting. Recruitment beings for new Directors.




Supporting innovative ideas that meet our objectives

PHACE supports and pilots:

  • Pop Up Projects School Engagement Programme

  • Vivacity to test a communications strategy to boost young audiences for the Key Theatre

  • youth leadership development with a cluster of 4 schools through U Rock Creative’s Space4Dialogue programme

  • professional development opportunities for teachers with Youth Dance England. 

  • PHACE Youth Ambassador programme, recruiting young people to test out what an ambassador role might look like

PHACE is formally constituted as a Community Interest Company (CiC)

Arts Council England, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Department for Education launch the Cultural Education Challenge.




Communicating the existing offer

A Partnership Manager role is recruited

PCP becomes PHACE (Peterborough Heritage Arts Culture Education/ Enterprise) with new logo designed.

PHACE’s first focus explores how schools receive information about the cultural education offer and how families can better understand the offers available. A new young people’s tab is set up on the Idea 1 website and organisations pilot a shared approach to marketing summer activities.




Identifying the need for action

Consultation meetings with education, cultural professionals and young people identifies the need and the vision for Peterborough Cultural Partnership (PCP).

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